This project aims to investigate the teaching and learning procedures at English Medium Instruction (EMI) universities in Turkey in an attempt to explore the effective and ineffective practices via corpus-assisted discourse analysis. 300 hours of video recordings will be obtained from 65 different disciplines/ undergraduate programs of 10 different faculties in five different higher education institutions that use English as the medium of instruction in Turkey and will be transcribed to reach collections of practices. Surveys with students and stimulated recall protocols with instructors will be used as supplementary data to the English Medium Instruction Corpus (EMIC) that will be built. Based on the effective and ineffective practices to be obtained from evidence-based authentic data, an EMI classroom interaction framework and a series of in-service training modules will be developed. The outputs will include practical suggestions for institutions that ongoingly implement or wish to implement EMI as their institutional language policy in Turkey and abroad.
This project is being funded by TÜBİTAK 1001-The Scientific and Technological Research Project Funding of The Research Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (No: 121K227).
Işık-Güler, H., Bayyurt, Y., Bozbıyık, M., Eröz, B., Erkan G., Kerestecioğlu, F., Kırkıcı, B., Kurt, Y., Yalçın, Ş. (2021). Developing an in-service training framework for instructors in English Medium Universities.